Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The odd one out

Today in the news estimated explanation limit reaches 3 billion.
On my walk through the city i spotted 6 superman shirts. Come on! Be original.

There are few of you actually subscribed to the Daily Crumb via email. Some even by choice! But not this time. Occasionally posts like this will not go straight to your email. These are the few that only reach as far as the Daily Crumb itself. We are here, at the Daily Crumb.

Posts like these have nothing of interest to read. Seriously nothing. I know your emails are quite plop as well but these are really really plop.

This post has absolutely nothing to read. Nothing interesting to feed on, no knowledge or information. No decent news or even an interview (Like we ever have them). No jokes and no fictional story about the spinning fan behind me falling from the ceiling and chopping my assistant with an insane name into millions of pieces.

You will take away nothing from this article. I actually just lied. You will take away a frown from this article. A big frown, a droopy one. This frown will give your ageing face a few more wrinkles.

This post will not make you want to eat or drink. I tell you i went to the shop today and only planned on getting a fredo or something. But oh my gosh Dairy Milk Chocolate, thats right, the original, plain, non exciting chocolate bar has a NEW LOGO. Nothing special, just bigger text, maybe some more curves on letters.
and i bought it.
Their plan worked. My brain made me think it was a little bit thicker than it was before the logo change. I have no evidence of this. Actually looking at a picture online all i think they did is change the text to white! Those clever silly people.

This post will not make you cry. It may make you feel an inner anger, not a violent one, just a small tick. This tick will cause you to stop reading either here or after the first paragraph way up there.
Read down and read up. Can you read backwards? Calm down!!! Why do they say, EAT UP!? Would standing up at the table not be rude?

As per usual The Daily Crumb has lied to you. Not only you have got this article in email form but everyone on earth. Go on, ask a friend.
ERROR: This post was not emailed to anyone.

- The Daily Crumb

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