Saturday, March 25, 2023

Nostalgia hits home

 Here are some videos I watched recently. 

They both talk of similar cases. For me anyway.

I was a huge fan of the original Sims game, and the first Gorillaz album. As the momentum rolled on for both franchises, the effort and quality of parts 2 (Sims 2, Demon Days) and 3 (Sims 3 and Plastic Beach) changed my world. I have followed both since I was young, and both franchises still churn on today. I quit The Sims 4 pretty much as soon as I played it. I even made 2 animations making fun of how dodgy it all was. Anyway. It is bittersweet really, because not long ago these things felt so fresh.  I played almost every expansion of Sims 1 and 2, and I spent many years playing 3 (I even dabble nowadays. I am intrigued by this new bit of EA competition recently announced: Life by You.) 

Gorillaz work is hit and miss, hard to rate, but most can agree the artwork and music matched nicely during their first 3 albums. 

 Such is life. 

~ The Daily Crumb