Friday, November 21, 2008

Very BIG NEWS: New Brackenwood Film?

Today in the news inspiration does fire at you fast. So BreckFEST are giving away free bullet proof vests to prevent skin damage this year.

Yes that is right.
There is not much info on this, it seems like a complete firework of love for his project at the moment.
His live camera, based in his office says, 'Working on: Brackenwood'
So feeps, Adam Phillips' is working on something Brackenwood related. There is no further information on it but i think that is for the best.

We do have the insight of seeing what Adam is working on, on 'non' sunny days though.
If you want to be an absurdly obsessive fan like Sammy the monkey and Nathaniel Tinga the medium... ok, like me.. then check out his brilliant workplace LIVE.
Recently i have seen some brilliant freelance work, a running horse. Waterfalls of detail and smooth movement.
So check it out.

Is Bitey back?
Is Bitey going to be bigger than ever?
Or is he going to be a midget? Will he become a vegetarian?
Or will Bingbong be a sneezing news reporter?

- The Daily Crumb

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