Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Have you ever noticed? Horoscopes 5th November 2008

Tosay in He Nuz
Have you ever noticed that hedges dont normally feed you the berries, you actually have to pick them?
Have you ever noticed that three lost geese is better than the stone?
Have you ever noticed that the wise old man with the hat, scarf and walking stick is actually a giant lizard disguised as a wise old man with a hat, scarf and walking stick?
Have you ever noticed the drawing on the frosted window?
Have you guessed what it is yet?
Did you just say Have you ever guessed?
Have you ever noticed that a fallen fixture can be faster melting snow than a metal sly hood?
Have you ever guessed the right thing once?
Have you ever noticed a flake?
Have uou ever noticed that 'you' was spelt wrong at the beginning of this question?
Excuse me, could you tell me what year it is please?
(He said PLEASE)
Have you ever guessed who said please?
Have you ever noticed Walmut is a real person under that hat?
Have you ever noticed i keep writing have you ever noticed questions?
Have you ever noticed the button is only one of many in hell?
Have you ever noticed the universe?
Have you ever believed in The Secret?
Have you ever wondered why things cost money? If you have, you receive a pat on the head.
Have you ever noticed that mermaids have only been seen in films and plays, WHY DONT THEY EVER COME OUT WHEN THEY'RE NOT BEING PAID?
Have you ever noticed that mermaids are shellfish?

The medium, Nathaniel Tinga's Daily Horoscope:
5th November 2008

"A bald man or woman is going to enter your cavern (Meaning your home). Dont be alarmed, if you are, it will hurt their feelings. "
"I can see a bath, or the sea. Someone you know likes the sea. Their name starts with a letter in the alphabet."
"Whilst there is love in the air it is also farming season at the moment! and your next two weeks are going to be filled with glamorous foods."
"Meadow! Pure happiness but a lot of sickness!
"You will come across an abandoned fridge."
"You are not a very nice person. The stars say you will have an epiphany."
"It is nice to see you but you have no future"
This week you will come across a wild animal, but no worries, this could also mean a new friend or enemy. Or you could be eaten alive.
"Buy that thing you've always wanted to buy! Just buy buy buy until you are poor and begging for money. (Whether you buy or not the stars say you WILL be poor."
"I see yellow, you're going to wet yourself in an awkward situation. Possibly involving a very important meeting which some very important people."
If your star is missing please go to!:
"As it rains, oddly enough you are going to melt like an icecream in the sun."
"Looks like today the stars are on your side! Your next week will involve money and buisness. I can see that themepark you've been planning to replace the elderly home with finally being build."
"I can see a bird, a child or younger relative of yours is going to reach out and attempt to fly in the big world."

- The Daily Crumb

1 comment:

  1. Have yet to find the empty fridge! :D
    Have you ever noticed the daily crumb?
