Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Dear Readers,

I've not updated this blog since 2017 when myself and a good friend released an Album on Spotify. I am still very proud of this album so please go and check it out!

But 2019 has come along and I'm hoping great things are on the horizon. I already feel like things and started well.
In my personal life, I'm living with my partner and 2 cats in one of my favourite places in the world, Fremantle, Western Australia. (Also with my family close by)

I can't really describe my love for Fremantle. It just has so much to offer. From beaches to old markets, from ferris wheels to festivals to art galleries in haunted buildings. Everywhere you go you feel like you're being hugged. This may just be me, I know there are a few negatives here and there but overall I'm pretty settled. It's not just Fremantle though. Due to work I'm rarely leaving my little part of the world these days but when I venture out to Perth (City) the hug is still around. Hiding in small art galleries and theatres.

So that's that!
But what else is going on?
After my Tomothy Comic Zine/Book was printed last year I was excited to do a proper release. Firstly, I did something pretty incredible. I was convinced to be a part of a 'Comic Arts Festival' in Perth. I had to be really convinced and I could not have done it without a bunch of friends and family.
During the day I slowly crept up from underneath the table and successfully sold my art. I was also placed at the very front of the building! I was one of the first stores in sight!
I had a wonderful experience and was so happy to share my comics with the community (And get an idea of what other local artists feel when selling their work)

Back to 2019!
This year has started with a little leap into the confidence chair. Firstly, as the new year came in I submitted a Stageplay I wrote to 'Murdoch Theatre Company'. A very impressive, student run theatre local to me. I've seen two shows from them previously and both of them blew my socks off.

My Stageplay was based on my short film/series, "Coby Charles Goes Home". It's an extended version of the script that was used in the video. It dives a little deeper into Coby and Coby2s relationship and what exactly Coby yearns for outside.

Anyway, short story short they really liked it! They were keen to perform it for their 2019 shows. Unfortunately, the whole thing has hit a bit of a speed bump but I am still hopeful. Whether this performance happens or not, I'm extremely proud that something I've written has to been enjoyed by these aspiring creators.
As a side note though, I do really hope it does come through. I've never really considered myself a writer, or a musician, or a live action film maker, or even sometimes an animator. The reasons for this is because no ones ever really appreciated what I've done (Apart from cartoons). So it would be lovely for something like this to happen and teach me that people appreciate my work outside of Doctor Who Cartoons.

Saying that though, something else has already happened this year. Every since the Comic Arts Festival, I've wanted to properly release my comic.
Every day the comic gets older and older. The strips in there are pretty old right now. (Due to various reasons explained elsewhere). But you know what, I'm still super proud of it. If I was not, it would not have been printed.

So I planned out an animated advert to finally release the book to the world. I called on my friend, James Berridge (Who I've worked with on various short projects now) and we got to work.
Very much inspired by some of the Gorillaz videos, Little Howard and that Simpsons Halloween episode where Homer goes into the real world... I wanted Tomothy to come alive.

After some nudging I convinced a local Bookshop to let me film the outside and window for my advert. (As long as I made it clear this book was NOT available in their store haha)

Then it was just me trying to squeeze production around my life, relationship, family and most importantly, my job. It was very upsetting, how slow my production would be working on my animation.

I produced 'Doctor Who Goes Gangsta' when I was JOBLESS. Going into libraries early morning and working all day and then spending other days searching for work. It was difficult for money and stuff but animation wise, it was amazing. It's still my proudest work animation wise I think.

Anyway, I was getting upset, knowing how short this advert was meant to be. How could it be taking me so long when it was so short???? Well, I suppose the truth is, even though I had less time I still wanted to challenge myself. And I think James wanted to challenge himself as well.
So while it did take a lot of time, it was all for good reason in the end. I'm pretty happy with the final product. Especially the excellent job James did on the compositing.

What happened next???
Well on advert release I created an event page on Facebook, made a new 'TomothyBooks' Instagram page and James organised a Kindle option for purchase.
Everything came together and in total 15 people from all sides of the globe ended up purchasing my Tomothy Comic. They are all sent out now.
While I would still love many more purchases I'm so happy to know that Tomothy will be travelling the world. Hopefully he takes some pics.

My book is still on sale, if you are interested. Just go to for more info.

So right now, what I'm excited about is growing in my loving relationship at home, getting a play performed!!>!?!?!?!! and working on my future creative projects.

I also forgot to mention my other album release last year! Microworld was also put on Spotify and has more of an operatic concept theme to it than the first. My partner and I produced a music video for it involving some old telephones. I'm also really proud of that! You can watch that here

Also! GEORGE. Everyone loves George. George is my Grand Theft Auto Roleplay character that bothers people while they try and Roleplay as police officers and garbage men. Something else, I was oddly very proud of producing last year was his episode, 'George writes to the Council' and 'George meets Cliff (George Stories)'.
The second one being a full Machinima made story using Improvised Roleplay. It even includes a chase seen! This is the sort of video you'll very rarely see and I'll probably never get to make again. So I'm glad I took that moment and produced something so silly and wonderful.
I've even made a dedicated page for George on so it MUST be important.

Anyway! Go and watch the final Tomothy advert!
I should start working on the next book! (Or animation. I have no idea...... Animation is just too ambitious when you're on you're own. sigh. But maybe comics are as well these worky days...... )

- The Daily Crumb
- TomothyBooks
- Munch
- Nathan Viney
- Mr. Nathan