Today marks the day I began my short film, Cliff and the End of the Rainbow... (again)
A while ago i produce a good load of footage for this film but nothing came of it. Now the script has been completely rewritten and an animatic has been produced.
Today I managed to fix up some animatic and begin work.
I produced the very first shot of the film, which is a sunset. I am working on the first scene, and will soon move onto various other scenes in the film.
After completing the intro (To get the hang of it) I will be moving onto other scenes in the film, completely random. This is so i get past the more difficult scenes first, so i can then return to the simpler scenes (to draw and animate)
Not much animation occured today, just a panning shot of around 3 detailed backgrounds all disapearing in under a second.
Here is a picture of a bird (Cliff gave it to me. weirdo kid)
and also a poster i produced with reused images from previous work. Though it does reveal a character designed by Lana Cohen, The little cloud named Fluffy.
Here they are
Click for Bigger
Click for BiggerCya later!
- Nathan Viney
Cliff and the End of the Rainbow Production Blog