Thursday, August 06, 2009

BBC Complaints

Today in the news Toyota, robots in disguise.

Why are broadcasting companies so serious about 'complaints'? I must be wrong in thinking once upon a time the BBC had a 'praise' button.
I personally want my praise read and replied to. I don't want to do it 'via the webform on our Frequently Asked Questions site.'
Complaints are the only things that get replied to because everyone takes them so seriously! Look at Jonathan Ross or The Chaser team on the ABC. They make one little mistake, someone watching tv eating sausages and mash off of their laps says "HEY, i reckon someone will be offended by that. FINALLY A CHANCE TO CONTACT THE BBC! Finally a chance to BE SOMEONE!" If you wanna be someone! Get Twitter!
So they send their complaint in.
Add one more and someone's career goes down the drain for half a year.

hello there! I'd really like to complain but the BBC are just so brilliant. Ongoing chocolate coated television from cbbc to bbc 3. Though i didn't really like the adult season... anyway. I was thinking, what you need is a sketch show, something on bbc 4 so it is does not become known fast. Something like The Chasers War on Everything. If you like, i will volunteer to be a part of it. Anyway.. actually, where do i go to throw up ideas to the BBC? Also, how are you? I do love the BBC. I love most of it's TV and pretty much feed off of iPlayer. Dont let those complaints about the Eastenders Danielle story get you down, it was fantastic. thanks for being so great! (Sorry for all of the food references)

- From Mr. Jerald West

Will they say thankyou for the wonderful praise? Thankyou for being a viewer!?
Well just to make sure they actually do reply i sent a rather serious issue of mine.

Hi i just want to complain about the heart throbbing at the beginning of Holby City. It always makes me really tense and not calm and ready to watch the show. Unfortunately after that i tend to switch off the television.

From a Mrs. Tom Haywood (That was a mistake to make :O)

Both written on the 4/8/09

The BBC replied on 6/8/09

Dear Mr West

Thank you for your e-mail.
I was pleased to learn of your huge appreciation for BBC programming and that you're also a fan of BBC iPlayer. I note that you'd like to be able to submit some programme ideas to us. More information on show ideas and working for the BBC can be found on our Commissioning website
I hope you continue to enjoy the BBC and I can assure you that I've registered your comments on our audience log.

Jamie Patterson
BBC Complaints

Well i'm a friendly person and always like to reply saying "Thanks." But unfortunately the email was a specific one that would never be answered.
I'm not going to annoy them again by sending a complaint saying "Thankyou for replying to my praise."

So there we have it!
The first to be replied to was the praise.
I dont like the fact that they feel they have to reply to all of these complaints anyway. That is unless of course a HUGE variety of people are sending in. But the one stupid idiot that has been offended by what someones said should not get his voice heard and should not have an impact on what is broadcast.

Today brings us yet another complaint response.

Dear Mrs Haywood

Thanks for your e-mail about 'Holby City'.
I understand that you dislike the start of the title music as it makes you tense and causes you to switch off the TV.
I'm sorry that you're unnerved by this music, in particular the heart beat at the start. It's never our intent to upset viewers. The title music has been specially composed for the programme and we feel it adds to the theme of the show.

Leanne Bennett
BBC Complaints

These people get paid to reply to millions of messeges. It still seems a waste and time and money. They got back to me so fast!
I do not really have an ongoing point here... well i do. That is when you make a small complaint people DO take it seriously. I'm not sure WHY but they do.

My little complaint about Holby City will have been passed and talked about around at least 2 or 3 people by now. Maybe more. But it does get out there.
The difference with my complaint was that the end result was "we feel it adds to the theme of the show." This is because it was a UNIQUE complaint, one probably never sent in before or rarely does.

So the viewer lost in this occasion. But i do believe it will have been talked about and taken seriously.

- The Daily Crumb

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha 'Mrs Tom Haywood'? WTF? :D Mrs Tom that's great! Yeah BBC are more likely to say thank you for a compliment rather than justifying themselves with a reply to a complaint.
