Above: Alan Davies, Jesse Eisenberg.
Alan Davies steps far away from the spotlight Murder Mystery television program, Jonathan Creek to announce a new mind boggling story.
On the 29th of January 2011 Alan released to 'The Sun' newspaper that when he was younger, he got pregnant at aged 16. As previously reported the UK is known for it's school childmaking workshops but Alan never saw this coming on himself.
"I suppose i just did not think and next thing i was pregnant. My girlfriend ran away at the sign of danger. She could not bare the thought of responsibilities." - Alan Davies, Set of BBC panel show, QI.
"So i sent my kid off to America or somewhere. Actually my mum did. I was more interested in collecting cards and battling people. Remember 'StormBleek the Wild Wizard Cards'?. I had the rarest card, as well as the collectors addition glitter pack."
"So yes my son is Jesse Einsburg. I contacted him through twitter a long while ago. He never replied. Then suddenly he arrived at my door step. So i said, "Son?", he replied, "Hi Dad." I honestly thought he was someone elses son. He looks nothing like me. But there you go."
Jesse Einsburg grew up in NEW YORK. Soon enough he hit Hollywood with such films as 'AdventurePark', 'Zombiesland' and 'The Facebook Movie'.
He'd always wondered why his family did not look anything like him.
"When the twitter message came from Dad i did not know what to think. I looked him up on Google Images and realised he looked like me. Then my parents told me that they got me from a crate floating in the sea. The crate came from a 'Alun Davees' in 'Engund'."- Jesse Eisenberg
So there we have it.
'The Sun' dressed both of them up in their known costumes and took a nice shot of them together.