Today in the news lollipops turn people into choc chip cookies.
To be honest, it HAS been a while since i posted here due to i have no excuse.
i guess the fact that no one actually reads it daily, they only read certain articles they are linked to and held at gun point to click on.
Before i show off the talents of another friend of mine ill post some little pictures ive done.
This is Concept, he is a pirate. GROWL and ROAR he is saying.
Another adapted character
(Click for usuel size)As i said he is an adaption, here is his original face

Onto Doctor Who art now
"Last of the Timelords"
(Click for usuel size)and my very own Doctor (another adaption)

(Adaption from:

coming next time!
- bullet points are snazzzy
- check em out on this very cool blog
- Gordon Brown, big fan of bullet points
- interview with Arthur G Larsen about his newest flash animation
- Nathan (munch) Viney