Today in the news a drop of this will give you the honks --- Also, i must note. Tony Blair leaves us today and is replaced by a toad. oh im sorry, is replaced by Gordon Brown. "The Brown family move into number ten"
But little does anyone know of his plans and secrets for the country and the planet. Tony Blair on the other hand is trying to get followers for his party who CANT hear hypnotic drumming sounds.
- Nathan (munch) Viney
(i highly recommend reading the Espen interview below)
Today in the news no one knows its where abouts ---- Now its time for (Go to any local shopping centre to get a sprinkle of lime colour on your segment logos today) Now someone we havent advertised off is Espen, a fellow Brackenwoodian and an amazing artist. Click some of these links below for some amazing works: ------------------------ Unfortunatly Espen is yet to get a website or deviant art account. But what i want to advertise is his new flash he's working on, im impressed with the artwork so far. It is titled M.E.O.N So Espen whats the story behind M.e.o.n without ruining it? Well, M.e.o.n stands for mutation expert of the nature, once every 20 years, a part of the nature wakes up and has its apperence as a kind of waterery blob thing, this blob needs a human to survive. wow! did anything inspire this idea? Ive always been a fan of the concept behind ash and pikachu from pokemon! except lois, the main character isnt a sissy! well i guess thats one good think pikachu's done. Do you think your skills as a painter has helped with the flash so far? totally, the backgrounds which i think is kind of important, was really easy to make because of my landscape skill (HELL YEAH), which also gives me more time for the animation itself. WOO! ive posted some of your paintings on the Daily Crumb (LIKE ANYONE READS IT ANYWAY) for people to reference. Is there something you're REALLY proud of in what you've done so far? yes, i can give you a screen shot of the the scene where an alien pod goes down to earth, its really special,because all the details was painted with a 800% zoom Here is an exclusive preview from Espen himself of M.E.O.N We look forward to seeing it soon Espen! Whens your estimated deadline? it was thursday the 28th, but i extended it to saturday 30th because lack of tolerance for animation Its better than what some of us can do. Once again cannot wait!! w00t ---------------------------------------- I was asked to record a voice and although my recording and voice ended up being terrible as usuel. Espen said it was fine for the character though. If he's telling the truth i will be playing this character. Isnt he just so cool? His names Carl and you'll see him in the upcoming feature flash animation. M.E.O.N
Today in the news I just discovered the most amazing casino games site! Thats right everyone! Right after I made my deposit I got a $250 bonus, and it says I can get up to $1000 in free bonusses! The graphics are crisp and unbelievably realistic! I played live blackjack and roulette – then I played slots and guess what.....I hit a $10,000 jackpot! Didn't believe it till I saw them on my account an hour ago.
"Reply to John" "Yes"
Heey johny I've just found this amazing IMAGE, and if you click it you get amazing powers that coins of gold appear in your hands! Just click below :) ----- Tell ya, something else i hate is these You sure are ------------------ Right now im done with random stuff, HERE is a little animation i did. Description on deviantart page: (clik imAGE) Also because it couldnt be made into an "Animated sig" here is a edited image (Though it does look like theres a storm coming in :P ) ------------------------------ Matt menhenick has done a fantastic PAPER animation: Check it out below:
As munchs war was released other students at my college released their pieces. Heres one of my faves:
Today in the news the the volume control has a glitch. ------------ Also in the news Munchs War The animation when did ok on newgrounds winning Daily Feature and 'getting' Underdog of the week I hasnt been released on the main website yet because of technical difficulties but ill just glad it was released. It'll be handed in as my college assignment on tuesday. It has had 9,538 views. ------------ Mr P Along with releasing a new WATERLOLLIES screenshot on his Woodblog (Check his blog out here)
he was also interviewed by the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) but only got a little while on screen. Unfortunatly all that was shown was clips from 'Bitey of Brackenwood' but a glimpse of his working progress was also recorded. Thankyou very much bleupencil for recording and uploading the short Adam Phillips segment.
------------------ Once again the Daily crumb has predicted the future, Tony Blair is going into the acting world. "Prime Minister Tony Blair is to star in a cameo role in a short film" Soon he'll be writing his own Doctor Who episodes.
Today in the news dolls are actually alive and want to eat foxes. Though if a human is running on four legs it will be mistaken for a fox and then eaten alive.
Munchs War, the hopefully long awaited animation staring myself, Adam Phillips and Mike Swain is released
It's not on but you can still check out the trailer there
The final flick is on VOTE HIGH CHILDREN