Thursday, November 30, 2006
Munch and Josephs war on plagarism
The full recording was released today by my good friend in Australia, the two people team member, Joseph Waters
We dont look like this any more, luckily ay :P
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I dont like that title
Also in the news a turtle was seen acting like a tortoise, it is a crime to steal someone elses ID.
RMN logo (College film production group)

Click on the image to see it larger
- Nathan (munch) viney
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
PCAD college of space men
I have no idea why i keep doing these, Life in the lands part 3, the last one
Monday, November 27, 2006
A visit to the moor
In the news today a block of flats fell over when the lift started to work.
On my weekend i walked around filming stuff and making films of it.
Life in the lands part 1
A serious documentary about a small town and it's natural world.
Editting commences today
- Nathan (munch) viney
Saturday, November 25, 2006
munchs and josephs war on plagarism
A while back an irriot named GasCandle stole an Arj and Poopy cartoon and stupidly decided to post his address on the internet.
So me and my friend went to go check it out.
First we added him to msn, to get a bit of research on his personality... he seemed like a SAFE irriot so we set up a survey prank.
Questions being:
What sport do you like... and music.
Have you ever plagarised any homework?
The last question we popped on him was, "Have you ever plagarised a flash animation on the internet called, Arj and Poopy?"
We got a yes.
You can find that part of the survey down here.
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Thursday, November 23, 2006
In the news today a hedgehog was seen biting a whales tail.
Also in the news a moose frightened a man on the road who swerved off of the side of a cliff leading to his death. This photo was taken by some campers.

The family have bought some ice lollies in rememberence.
Yesterday i ended up releasing my new story, JAMES DODGER and the Rain Bug.
Hopefully in a few days i will post the history of the character and how pointlessly stupid he is, based on me.
part 1
part 2

click here to find RMN on set photos
-Nathan (munch) viney
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The bin
Broadcasting news:
Todays blog was all planned
- RMN filming photos
- New James Dodger story released BUT
- The computers with internet do not recognise the zipped file.
- and Deviant ART is messed up :*P
- Nathan (munch) Viney
The rest is still being examined from the wrecks of the old building he once lived in.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Cross hatched beast of the bog hole.

and now for something completely different
Tuesday, today we hopefully begin editting the tramp film and filming a little more, which is still untitled.
I also took my old JAMES DODGER story and put it from, scraps to deviant on my deviant art page, you can find it here.

- Nathan (munch) Viney
Saturday, November 18, 2006
On Location script released
The On Location script was released today on Deviant ART with a little photo.
The Celebs in my Studio characters are back for a last jog around the office with a bunch of new characters. will the stress of being a film maker drive Nathan to quit? Will Adam Phillips get the help he needs? Will Patrick notice what is going on around him?Read on for a bundle of laughs.

You can find the script here
I also posted a CONTACT post on the RMN productions blog yesterday, go check it out
- Nathan (munch) Viney
The next few days may not have a post, but as i mentioned before this blog dosent have to be a DAILY posted blog, its just got a cool name is all. This is occuring due to... internet access problems :P
Friday, November 17, 2006
Do YOU know what a cornish pasty is?
Yes, as you may not have read, i am borrowing a microphone, but due to the fact college has given me three assignments over lapping eachother im a little tied down at the moment to record anything.
I went on a photo killing spree yesterday as i had got my camera out for my brothers birthday :D He turned 1 :)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
RED Telephone BOX
RMN's blog is being continuely updated, even though everytime you check it out there are no obvious changes....? :P
Also in the news:
One of our latest college projects is to make a photoshopped Movie poster on a fake movie. My idea for the movie is on the lines of a red telephone box you can contact the dead with. This idea originally came from the CELEBS in my STUDIO trilogy scripts which you can find on DeviART.
Also, the 'On Location' script is finished and will be posted on deviant art in the next few days hopefully, possibly saturday.
Now, i have moved to the new country house, where there is no internet access as of yet so blog entries may vary, saying one day may not... have... one.
Have fun with the pile of lethal spiders i'm about to drop on your head.
Name of the film:
Red Telephone Box
A man is killed when driving off a cliff edge as he swerves from hitting a moose. In the flaming remains of the wreckage the man gets up and walks away from the scene not noticing his body is dead.
Everyone seems to be ignoring him, he shouts for their attention over and over again until when he tries to grab someone, he falls right through.
Soon enough he is walking along the street, knowing he is really dead and continues on to a graveyard where he finds a bunch of people drinking wine and blowing balloons. They invite him over, as they are the ghosts of the village as well.
Soon enough, after a chat about the mysteries of being dead, meeting his family and passed on friends the village goes dark and a demon creature drifts over them.
The creature is an old memory that wants to take people away from their lives earlier than expected.
A red telephone box in the village suddenly starts ringing as a man walks past, he walks up to it and picks up the phone quite scared.
The black demon’s mist kills the man and the story continues as both the alive world and the dead world try and solve the mystery.
The ghosts from the graveyard are able to contact their alive families through the telephone box before the demon gets there first.
Certificate: Not rated at this point
Setting: Small village town
James: Nathan J Viney
Ghosts: Variety of actors.
Cliff top
Various others
Comedy, Light Horror and Action
"The only way the dead can contact the living, the only way the living can contact the dead and someone is using it to their advantage."
James: ‘You can see me?’
Old hut: ‘Sure can.’
James: ‘So… you are… dead?’
Old hut: ‘Ooo yeh, all of us. I was squashed under a steam roller, flat as a pancake I was.’
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Smarties on a magic lantern

This is a revolting Photoshop art piece, just playing around with it's features really. I am thinking of putting it into Scraps on DEViArt.
RMN Production News:
"I have just created a new blog called RMN Productions.On that blog you can find the latest film news from the RMN Productions crew and watch videos made by RMN Productions.RMN Productions is a small production team made up of a fewof my friends at college who I make films with.It is called RMN Productions because its stands for Reuben Matt Nathan.Go check it out"
from Res Res
Nathan (munch) Viney
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Photo Finish in the World Under Ours
His parents said, "It was lucky the voilent creature took something that wasen't any use to him."
Now straight to todays news:
Today RMN's new production (Working title...) was filmed at a local (Discusting) bus station. It is a comedy involving the life of tramps (Homeless people) and a stuttering News reporter who soon learns what it's like to live as a tramp.
Cast Announced:
News Reporter: Nathan Viney
Non-educated delinquent: Mathew Menhenick
Tramp: Mr. Sam (Guest actor.)
Camera Man: Reuben Speight
Directors: RMN (Reuben Speight, Nathan Viney and Matthew Menhenick.)
Creators: RMN
Camera man: Reuben Speight
Production (Editting and more) continues next tuesday.
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Monday, November 13, 2006
Witty Bereavement
The fan club spokesmen... spoke: "Goodwheetabix. Today we read from chapter thirty two of the Man Chicken Gospel. He rose again, and walked towards the freedom of his mighty Pod. The lights were overwelming, releasing all stress from the butter and bread around him. The aliens energy transformed him into a bottle of wine and his three followers drunk.
Let's remember him for that. And the fact he still walks with us is astonishing."
More news on that later
Also in the news the comic strip creators of Asterix are sueing Microsoft. *_*
In broadcasting news:
RMN productions have released information on their next amazing film, no it wont be a pixillation animation. It is untitled at this point in time but we know it will on the lines of a News reporter comedy and Tramps (homeless people). It's got a swift sort of story, filming begins tommorow, editting will continue after that. RMN also has another member along the way and in the end it should be fine.
Fact: Comedy
Location: Ugly Bus station
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Alien Seashell
Now there has been alot of confusion in the area of, the difference between emo and goth. Or maybe it's just me. I went around town, to find out.
(I was standing at a bus stop determined to break the ice.)
Nathan: "So... what do they call you?"
(Dark character stares at me lifting an eye brow.)
Dark: "... John..."
Nathan: "Oh no! no! no! I meant, what do they call you, an emo or a goth?"
Dark: "Excuse me?"
Nathan: "Goth, or Emo, i really get confused sometimes."
Dark: "You know that could offend some people."
Nathan: "Did it offend you?"
Dark: "No... but it is a stereotype. I could be none."
Nathan: "You're one of them surely.
Dark: "Um.. ok... well, whatever."
(The dark character lites up a cigarette holding the box.)
Nathan: "Smoking kills."
Dark: "I know." (Pushing cigarette box into Nathan's view. It says "Smoking Kills.")
Nathan: "EMO!"
(Finishing product: Emo's attempt to kill themselves (Not a LIGHT subject, i admit :D ) So the fact they don't mind smoking tells us straight.)
(Sorry if i have offended any Smokers in this presentation.)
(In the end, the guy was actually going to a fancy dress party as a goth, poor unimaginative soul.)
Nathan (Munch) Viney
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Tickets please
Today in the news a baby swallowed a five pound note; the doctors say it will pass through without any harm. So far, there’s been no change.
Today we are taking things slowly by rushing all day. Moving all of our furniture to our new 400 year old house in the country where Mr. collacott lives. (Read below)Must dash folks.
Au revoir
-Nathan (munch) viney
Friday, November 10, 2006
A chunk of medium
In the news today a man was frightened to find out he'd have to have his finger taken off after it got stuck between two keys on his keyboard. He was trying to reach some biscuit crumbs as his wife told him not to eat by the computer.
Today in the music industry Paul Mcartney is complaining about the young kids outside his house. He also asked a personal Journalist friend of his to not tell anyone he'd hired a helper to get him to the loo and back.
Paul Mcartney: "I'm only getting younger."
As some of you know, i don't only do ... umm... what i do.... (Not quite sure what that is exactly?) but i also some times write lyrics.
And as no one actually reads this daily blog i'll give you the info on it.
Antimunch (A sort of musical collaboration.) where i write some terrible lyrics and "Antiseal" or (Sam) a musician i met on Brackenwood forum writes and plays them.
You can find Antimunch on myspace here
They may take a while to load.
The next song to come out is called "Trip" and is being mixed on the program, "Fruity Loops". Thaaankyou Sam!
Note(to do)book:
- Microphone
- Football tickets (Whoa!)
- New house
- Website and Munch's WAR producing at the same time
- Releasing the website hopefully soon
Yes, as you may have read, my family are moving house yet again, a 400 year old home, but not only to us? The home of an old figure.
My nan, (The writer of some funny tunes on my Flash cartoons) went in, for the first time to see our new country house, as did i. My nan is also the writer and director of many local pantomimes (plays) in the west of the UK. Shes very multitalented indeed.
A name came to her when she walked into the house. "Collecott"
It was very odd, at home she researched on the internet and found out that one of the very first residents of the farm house, (Keeping in mind it was a 400 year old home) was named that....
Also in the news today a Technicolour are trying to buy Jelliebabies, they keep saying they are 'NOT' out of buisness and they are still 'Manicacs about colour!'
Nathan (James) Viney
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Brain on toast
In Broadcasting news:
Today i kept on writing the pointless script of "On location" which is nine pages now. I also updated an "About Munch" page, for whatever reason, i cant think why.
You can find it here
With that i also uploaded a terrible picture of me which you can find here
(I didn't want to host it here as i look like a grease monster.)
Also in the news today the website are planning to buy every other website on the internet. Some believe the man who found Google, Larry Page is losing the ability to see the real world.
In a recent speech he said, "The future of Google runs down to the key elements, the colours blue, red, yellow, blue again, green and red."
He even added the "TM" to finish off.
What Larry dosen't realise is that he stepped out of the job years ago.
Nathan (munch) Viney
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The lense of a smart battery charger
In Broadcasting news i forgot (a while ago) to show you all (who ever reads this) my Ronald Mcdonald picture.
Which is, here

The Original Miserable Clown which is actually copyright even though i count it as scrap.
There is a history lession on it at my Deviant Art account here
Next week we are planning and shooting another RNM production film which we'll be able to add to the small collections of films. Also one of them may lend me a microphone next monday, so that should be something to look forward too.
Also in the news today a man with one eye only saw the right hand side of the bus before it hit him, making him think he'd just about dodge it.
Back to important news:
Writing another script with the characters from Celebs in my Studio, the new script is called "ON LOCATION" with Nathan, Patrick, Adam and a new character (actor/cleaner) This is a one part script and not three like the trilogy.
I have also designed a set for Munch's War on paper, but i am also concidering changing the name :O
More news on that later.
and read tommorows because, remember, BOOKMARK ME
Nathan (munch) Viney
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Dont step in puddles
Today in the news it is said that stepping in a puddle can cause an earthquake in the sea, although scientists deny this theory the voodoo believers are all for it.
In ‘means of communication’ news today, I released another 4-pack of terrible photos. The House of Chimes 1.5 (Scrap version)
You can find this disgusting piece here
Other than that, check out the “Surrealism Vs Clocks” tale below. It isn’t the full detailed story but I’m sure there will be more to come.
My note book:
Workbook (x 3)
RNM productions
Munch’s WAR
Get dates and times for Lukai and Ambush on UKen TV.
Today in the news a man called the police after someone at the beach knocked a pasty out of his hand. He was devastated; the police are examining the body at present time.
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Monday, November 06, 2006
The true story of Surrealism Vs Clocks
In Broadcasting news Munch’s War’s set has still NOT been drawn I am sorry to say, no more news on the Ambush Rewind and Lukai and his Castle on television whether that is to happen or not and I still haven’t got a working microphone.
But in lighter news I added a picture to my “Surrealism Vs Clocks” tale of… pictures.
The Surrealism Vs Clocks tale came from a flash artwork I did back in
You can find the work here
The War that gave the Surrealism artist’s around the world their knowledge and inspiration to do the art they do. When the giant army of clocks collided with the jolly Surrealism world for a battle for butterfly coffee cups and underground wine mines.
The Surrealism creatures had fought back firing lasers at them, shooting the clocks down, these left good and bad remains.
This is part of the Surrealism Vs Clocks War. When one clock was struck by a laser beam it fired down into the sea burning the sands, the creatures sadly cooked and boiled molding into bells and ringing along the sea beds and across the ocean. They rung for 3 years untill the war finally ended.
This picture was taken as the war was ending.
There is also an audio to go with it (not very impressive) but you can hear it here
The first photo was believed to be a time traveller’s journey, one man and his camera. Shots of the world he’d never thought to be real. Smiling snails dripping with black-current juice dead on the yellow sands as the sky darkened changing colours as lasers shot amongst them.
The second photo is one of a Surrealism creature itself taking the photo (It is believed) in a wagon boat sailing and trying to escape to the spiral hills of the Surrealism world away from the war.
The “paper” they used to write on was actually plastic, and the only ink they had was permanent. And often they didn’t have enough arms, or at least had too many to actually write on it. It is believed the photographer of the photo took it and soon after was bolted by a falling, flaming clock. This boiled the boat and the creatures inside moulding them into ringing bells which covered the whole ocean, floating over the choppy water. We know this, because we found both the photo and some bell remains fallen from space and lying motionless in one of the
In the end we believe the Surrealism creatures won the battle, but were taken aback when a giant clock formed, its golden energy frosted the planet, the planet was literally cold and shuffled in to cool itself killing thousands of creatures, the planet kept squashing in and in to get warm. In the end the planet exploded along with everything on it, even the mighty army of Clocks.
These photos are the only evidence we have, hopefully we will find more soon enough, and hopefully we have more proof.
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Comedy, action, rage, romance, time travel, saturday night fever and a briefcase of $100 notes
Today in the news a man in Ireland kept tripping over an invisable block in the street. Only after thousands of investigations and news reports did they tell us the man was a Mime.
Also in the news it is definate that the verbally challenged George W Bush is soon entering the comedian career. He may not be funny, but lots of people will turn up just to see him make an idiot of himself.
Latest Munch news:
On paper i designed the stage for Munch's WAR. I'm just trying to find time to put it into flash. Also i need to get a job, or at least do something that gets me a relevant amount of UKen cashworks.
As i speak my television screen fuzzes. It is very irritating so i am planning (in the near future) to turn it off.
Now here's a fantastic story, with comedy, action, rage, romance, time travel, saturday night fever and a briefcase of $100 notes.
I borrowed a microphone from college, and it didnt work.
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Sorry about the emptiness of this blog post
no new munchmedia news tosay
- Nathan (munch) Viney
Friday, November 03, 2006
Munch on TV2
Not too much news yet on the television show AMBUSH REWIND will be on, but there is news that they also want to broadcast the flash animation Lukai and his Castle which you can find on Munchmedia.
Check out the short fbyf tutorial below.
-Nathan (munch) Viney
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Tomorrow’s Another Day with Flash tips #1
In the news today an Elephant named Pete was found stuck/sunk in a giant puddle of mud. Visitors including children are paying three pounds to have a ride if they are a certain height. And weight.
Now I am very confused, who are my target audience? No one is; fact. So in the end my target audience are the socks that sit on my window side. The window side above my heater, which may cause the socks to set fire. Bad place for socks this time of year.
In my original plan I was going to make a whole flash tutorial from when you press the logo. I set it all out, steps and map of features… but then I had a turn of ideas and quit that one.
I thought, maybe I will just do tips, tips for flash that I use sometimes. Similar to Adam Phillip’s missing woodblog.
So here we are; the no body who reads this.
Frame by Frame Flash Animation tips.
The Squash and Stretch trick. Learnt from the Animators Survival Kit, a very recommended book to buy. (Thanks Steven from the BFAC)
To make the frame by frame animation look smoother and more motion-packed the animator bends, stretches and squashes the characters and objects in the animation. This has been used frequently in many old and new cartoons. A very recent one is Chicken Little, which
although 3d animated still sticks to the traditional Squash and Stretch style.
--- Ball's can help us with lot's of things, like timing in Animation. As it reaches the air it gets slower and the pictures get closer together and as it falls again they get further apart and start to stretch.
I hope something here might have helped you.
In the end it looks quite like hes hittinghis head on the top of the screen butall in all it looks ok. here
Here is a Rabbit walk cycle I did, I rather like it, besides the jelly head.
I’m not sure if the next entry will be remarkably long and detailed but tomorrow’s another day.
Nathan (munch) Viney
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Munch on TV
Also on the headlines of most newspapers today a man choked to death on a chocolate button in a cinema whilst sharing popcorn with his imaginary friend.
Head of parliment said in a press conference, "I'm personally glad the man's dead, chocolate buttons are discusting."
This has brought across many riots on 10 downing street. The priminister found a midget with a giant firework strapped to his back inside Tony Blaire's clothes cupboard. A few hours later a rumour spread the internet and the BBC news, even going across to America and Australia that there was a packet of chocolate buttons in the Priminister's front pocket. He denies the whole thing.
Also i'd like to complain about English currency. Or is it politically correct to say 'British' or 'Uken'? Why are 20 pence SMALLER THAN 10 PENCE?
This issue will never be solved.
Latest Munch News:
The college pixillation video project AMBUSH REWIND has been asked to be on a Sky digital UK Television show. The channel is Trouble or (Trouble TV) and the show, i think is called Homegrown.
I'll get some more information on that later.
If you haven't seen AMBUSH REWIND yet check it out
- Nathan (munch) Viney
(Sorry for not haveing time to set up a Flash tutorial, been quite busy, this blog entry was completely rushed.)