In the news today a camera swallowed a man whole when he pressed the ‘Eat me’ button?
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The Categories are
And TV Drama
After looking through every animation on this earth, every cartoon series, film and shorts the crumb came up with four close winners.
Arj and Poopy (Interweb cartoon), Hong Kong Phooey (Children’s cartoon), Brackenwood series (Interweb cartoon) and the Wallace and Gromit series. Leaving The Simpson’s very close behind.
Due to a delay a riot broke out just outside the Daily Crumb’s main offices. The crowd really wanted to know who was going to win this proud prize.
- The winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Animation’ is: The Brackenwood series!
Adam Phillips gave a short speech:
“G’day mate, it’s good to get another award, gud. If people accuse me of winning because like, The Daily Crumb is like, my biggest fan then… so be it. I still get the trophy.”
Next we had to organise which of many would be the world’s top film, the crew came up with a few possible entries.
The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse (Television film), Brackenwood the feature length film and Ambush Revenge (In filming stages)
Unfortunately the Brackenwood feature film hasn’t been made yet and Ambush Revenge is, as said, still in filming stages.
- So the winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Film’ is: The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse
Mark Gatiss gave a short speech:
“What am I doing here? I should be writing the next episode of Doctor Who!”
After the Crumb crew eating piles of different pies they team came up with three favourites. An Australian Chicken and Vegetable Pie, A Steak pasty and a curry pie.
Due to the fact a steak pasty cannot be classed as a pie it was overlooked.
- So the winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Pie’ is: Australian Chicken and Vegetable pie (This particular pie was chosen because it is tasty cold or hot)
The Custard Factory gave a short speech:
“We don’t make pies, we make custard, but this trophy will pay for the mess made back at the factory, custard everyone, our boss got ripped up by crows, not so nice at Christmas.”
Now best band, quick shot but there were so many bands to choose from, with FIVE runners up. The Pogues, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blur, Oasis and U2
But there could only be one winner, after listening to the music and learning the history we decided one certain band deserved it the most, for not pausing in making music, or letting their music go down hill, for doing a DOUBLE DISC album and having every single song on it great.
- So the winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Band’ is: The Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Pogues came to accept their trophy:
“Wait… what?”
After reading through many of comics, Interweb and written there was five runners up this year around.
Imaginary Friends, Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield and The Beano
- So the winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Comic’ is: Calvin and Hobbes, for showing all other comics what it’s made of and inspiring young cartoonists to do the same. Peanuts was extremely close behind.
Bill Waterston came to accept his award:
“I wouldn’t want my speech to go on to long, I don’t think I’ve ever won an award before… apart from this one which is amazing. When I get home I’m gunna go straight to my desk, grab a pencil and fall asleep!”
We hired thousands of tree huggers out there to vote for this one.
Because the voters didn’t have a clue what most of them were they chose the…
- So the winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Tree’ is: The Bonsai Tree for being so small, yet so detailed.
Man of Trees 2006 made a short speech:
“I would have voted for Mountain pine, so much more flavour.”
And the TV drama, the hardest award to snatch.
Runners up were:
Coronation Street, Doctor Who, EastEnders, Doc Martin and The Bill.
With Coronation Street and EastEnders being typical soaps it was impossible to choose without hurting anybodies feelings, the team originally decided on The Bill but then noticed that Doctor Who was on the list.
- So the winner of the Daily Crumb’s worlds top everything, category ‘Best TV Drama’ is: Doctor Who
Russell T Davies or David Tennant couldn’t make it to the award ceremony so Tom Baker came instead.
“Britain, Britain, Britain…”
Hope you liked this evening’s moose, and we have a bowl of blood out on the right.
- Nathan (munch) Viney